Marissa Bell Toffoli

Archive for the ‘comics’ Category

Interview With Writer Mike Madrid

In books, comics, nonfiction, writing on November 1, 2010 at 5:34 pm


Mike Madrid

Mike Madrid. Photo by Marissa Bell Toffoli (2010).

An introduction to the author of The SUPERGIRLS: Fashion, Feminism, Fantasy, & the History of Comic Book Heroines (Exterminating Angel Press, 2009). Readers of Mike Madrid’s The SUPERGIRLS will note that the discussion moves forward chronologically by decade, from the 1940s through “2000 and Beyond.” As pop culture editor for the Exterminating Angel Press online magazine, Madrid divulged, “I tend to always think of things in terms of other things. For instance, movies in terms of music, comics in terms of movies, or comics in terms of fashion, and how these things reflect certain decades.” He added, “everything seems to be referencing something else. Images in magazines are someone shot to look like someone from the fifties, celebrities get described as ‘the new so and so,’ and things like that. People don’t seem to want surprises anymore, and I find that sad.” Whether in the role of writer or editor, Madrid is a critical thinker, which makes his first book an entertaining and educational read.


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Interview With Editors Laureen Mahler & John Peck

In comics, editors, fiction, literary journals, poetry, short stories, writing on March 27, 2010 at 12:53 pm

Laureen Mahler & John Peck. Photo by John Peck (2009).

An introduction to literary magazine editors of Beeswax Magazine, Laureen Mahler and John Peck, who also run an independent letterpress and book arts studio. The dynamic married couple publishes Beeswax Magazine from their print studio, Volta Press. Mahler and Peck have backgrounds in writing and literature, which lends them unique perspective as editors and printmakers.

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